Our biggest event yet!! In November, over 100 kids took part in English in the Kitchen workshops as part of their English Week activities. Every year Escola Fundación Teresiana, Bellvitge, arranges a week of activities in English for their students of grades 3 and 4. This year they asked me to lead their workshops of “Little Chef”. What a pleasure it was to cook with such fantastic kids and incredible teachers. The workshops were a big hit and the results spoke for themselves.

There were 6 workshops, each making a classic Australian recipe: We made coconut biscuits, brownies, ginger biscuits, honey jumbles, rocky road and Lamington balls. At the end of the week, there was a Food Market and the kids’ masterpieces were sold to parents and friends, all proceeds going to a food bank for underprivileged families for Christmas. I can’t speak highly enough of the teachers and staff at this school. Hats off to you all! And to my wonderful Little Chefs!!